Friday, July 20, 2012

Drywall Progress and a water problem

The drywallers finished last week, so around the driveway project we're also working on the walls inside. We've primed a few rooms upstairs and only have the lounge and first floor left to de-dust.

This is what happens when you de-dust the drywall... Ghostly isn't it!

The dust gets stuck on every single hair on your arms and anywhere else it can!

The primer: so far we've put 4 gallons on. Here are the next 25!

The downstairs - It looks like a real house inside!

Having two houses on one lot is complicated. So to hook up the water in the new house, they disconnected water where we are living for "6-8 hours." The plumber and excavators did all their work, but the American Water people never showed up to move the meters. So we haven't had water in our house for almost 24 hours and their is still a huge trench in our yard.

The cause of all the problems...
The trench is still there.

Every few months we need a backhoe in the driveway. 

It reminds us construction is still going on.

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