Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Let there be light!

We're done with the electrical part of the house project! Finally you can turn on lights all over the house.
The kitchen. The pendent bulbs were shortly changed so that they weren't quite so bright!

The dining room light. Can't wait to see it above the table!

The living room light.

The star pendent in the entry way. Every house should have one wacky light!

The porte-cochere light is on too!

Fall semester update

Jeff and Sandy finished the backsplash with some grouting!

Looks pretty nice!

Jeff and the carpenter put in the basement steps.

The house is coming together. Look at that driveway in use!

A project before Thanksgiving involved thinking about the stair rails.
This mock-up was rejected but another one prevailed.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Adding a splash to the kitchen

The project of the last couple of days has been the backsplash in the kitchen.

The layout on the counter.

Jeff works the mortar.

It's a three person job!

Hard at work.

The first section done!

Getting messy with the glass mosaic tiles.

The second section, going around the corner, complete!

Under the window also complete!

And the rest! The other side of the kitchen finally done.

Now, to grout!

The flooring is DONE and lots of lights

Finally got the pictures off the camera, here are a few photos from the last few weeks.

The last few boards of the floor are going in.

Which one goes next?

Porch light

Back porch light

Above the front door

The living room light

The kitchen lights

The dining room light.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Yockey version of "American Gothic"

"American Gothic" is that classic painting with the old man and the woman and the pitchfork...

We look intimidating, right?

 It was a whole family effort, fixing the ceiling paint job. It was just too big for one person to do alone.

It wasn't always easy, but we finished! (This was in May, FYI).

Long Overdue Update

If this blog was my library account, I would have racked up a lot of fines this summer for not updating.

Here are some updates from the summer.

The outside is looking good!

Jeff planted a tree that is looking pretty healthy!

And he planted another one, a little smaller, that is also thriving in its new home.

Oh, yes. The lights. We have lights in the house. Two more days for the electrician to come back and install the last lights when the arrive, and we are done! Above are the lights in Jonathan and Sarah's room.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Upstairs Tile Photos

Progress upstairs! Last tiles should go down tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

One project finished, another one started

Yesterday was a milestone. We have officially painted all the walls and ceilings in the house.
We finished off the basement stairs, the living and dining room ceilings, and the living room and dining room walls. It really doesn't look that different since the wall colors were a second coat and the basement/ceiling color is hardly different from the primer that is underneath it. But it's done!

Since we were having a super productive day, we also put down as much tile as possible in the upstairs bathroom. It couldn't all go down at once because you can't sit or stand on the tiles you have just put down, but a significant amount got done.
The stairs to the basement (final treads is another soon to be started project)

The dining room, fully painted.

Jeff hard at work on the ceiling.

Still working!

Sorting out the upstairs tile with a friend.

Is it straight? Should we line it up with this crooked wall, or this other crooked wall? (just kidding, that's not how we did it).

Downstairs Tiles = Completely down

So at Christmas time, our tile plan had issues and we didn't quite finish putting down the tile in the downstairs bathroom. But, we finish what we start (eventually) so we finished putting it down last week! Now it is ready for grout.
Before last week.


Monday, May 20, 2013

Getting into Gear

Summer is pretty much here, and that means we are in serious "finish the house" mode.

Here is the latest progress:
Jeff's office furniture in progress.

Putting in the screens in the little house because it is warm outside!

The office with the furniture.

One of Jeff's custom drawer units.

The happy builder.

Hard at work.

The last of the painting is going on. Should be done today!