Saturday, January 7, 2012

This Week's Progress

This week was: the first week of the second semester (Sarah is 90% done with High School), a return to three days of work for Sandy, and the week we built the porte-cochere and the porch! We've been so busy that our blog can't keep up. Here are a few pictures.

The sky-trac helped lift boards up and provide a work platform.

The view from down the street.

Jeff helps set the columns (notice the invisible but hard to put in rods that Sarah and Jeff installed on New Years Eve).

Installing the beam.

Jonny and Sarah arrive from school.

Jeff and Jonny cleaning up the front yard.

The house from the other side with the new porch, porte-cochere and roofs.
The house before, for comparison.

Looks pretty different doesn't it!


This is our first real "snow" of the year. We had a dusting a while ago, but over break we got our first white pictures of the house!

Sarah demonstrates the narrowness of the path between a big machine we've had for the last week and the house. Gaining weight is not allowed!

The little house or home base in snow.

The narrow path shown from the other direction.

The house in snow.

Our lovely mailbox is keeping our mail dry!

The view from the front door.