So in case you've been dying to find out what happened or how we got the showers into the house, here is an update:
We took the backdoor frame off, and carried them in through the door. I know, boring solution. BUT much more effective!
Jonny and Sandy lift, Jeff is invisible behind the shower/inside.
The shower wasn't super heavy, but it was super awkward.
Jonny tries to unscrew the bar we attached to the bottom in our attempt to take it in through the window.
Uh, oh, looks like we just got stuck!
Well, we got it inside, now to get it to the bathroom.
Jonny carries one side through the study into the bathroom.
Sandy admires the shower in its new location.
Next problem: the drain holes are right over the trusses. Truss repair coming soon. These showers are making for lots of interesting blogs!